Tuesday 24 December 2019

Thursday 19 December 2019


Experience 2

All rights reserved @ Allah’ presence


Being charitable and providing for the needy are important features of the Muslim character. Also giving charity correctly is crucial to both the well-being of the needy as well as the ultimate happiness of the wealthy. Because of that Islamic teaching emphasized this principle repeatedly to their followers.


This short article vividly shows how this golden principle is misused by our religious followers for their own benefits among our society.


At first I met that old man with Islamic identity at our hospital entrance while I was leaving from hospital during lunch time break. He interrupted my walking and started to talk,

“Assalamu alaikum sister! I want a bit help from you for the sake of Allah. I had been admitted here for last two days due to asthmatic problem. Today I was discharged but sad to say no one came to pick up me as there is no way to inform my family. I need some financial help from you to facilitate my long journey to eastern province. I only asked from you as I was ashamed to ask help from non muslims.”

I gave some money what I got at that time and directed my journey to boarding place.

Surprisingly, few days after this incidence I met that same person with same story without any single word changes at hospital corridor while I was rushing to my ward in early morning. Fortunately he might not recognize me as I worn clinical coat at that time. I just passed looking at him with angry face as my busy schedule didn’t permit to talk further.

Few weeks after, that same figure was trying to enter to my working ward telling another story to get money. I was so angry and scolded him vigorously. I told all story about that cunning man to my non muslim colleagues while they started to seek my aggressive behaviors.


One of my non muslim colleague responded to my talk following way during that time,

“Is it true? One day we met a muslim beggar female with two or three children in a bus stand while I was waiting for the bus with my boyfriend. She asked money from us telling her sad story like this. My boyfriend gave large amount of money to that beggar. I was surprised why he gave large amount of money to that beggar. When I asked about that, he replied me like this. ‘Most of muslims don’t tell lies’.”


This entire story gives a clear picture regarding the deficiency of essential teaching to abused religious followers and the looseness of expectation by non muslim from our religious practices.

So my dear sisters and brothers!

Don’t you think? You are the responsible person to reform our religious practices among our muslim individuals in a truthful manner to show the worth of Islamic faith to non muslim society.


By ART OF PARENTING at 19th of December 2019

Wednesday 18 December 2019

All rights reserved @ Allah’presence

அந்த எழுபது வயது மதிக்கத்தக்க வயோதிப மனிதரை நான் முதலில் சந்தித்தது வைத்தியசாலை நுழைவாயிலில்.

''அஸ்ஸலாமு அலைக்கும் சகோதரி,

  நான் ஆஸ்துமா நோய் காரணமாக இரண்டு நாட்களாக தங்கி இருந்து  சிகிச்சை பெற்று இன்று வைத்தியசாலையிலிருந்து விடுவிக்கப்பட்டேன். நான்  கிழக்கு மாகாணத்தைச்  சேர்ந்தவன். எனது குடும்பத்திற்கு இது பற்றி அறிவிக்க  வழியில்லாததால் யாரும் என்னை கூட்டிச்  செல்ல வரவில்லை. உங்களால் முடிந்த ஒரு சிறு தொகையை தருவீர்களானால் அது பேருதவியாக இருக்கும். பிற மதத்தவர்களிடம் கேட்க வெட்கமாக உள்ளது. உங்களிடம் மட்டுமே இது பற்றி வினவுகிறேன்.''

ஒரு சிறு தொகையை அவரது கையில் நீட்டியவளாக எனது பயணத்தை தொடர்ந்தேன். 

இந்த சம்பவம் நடந்து சிறு நாட்கள் கழித்து அதே மனிதரை ஒரு வார்த்தை மாறாமல் அதே கதையுடன் வைத்தியசாலை நடைபாதையில் சந்தித்தேன். நான் clinical coat அணிந்திருந்ததால் அவரால் என்னை இனங்காண முடியவில்லை. எனது கோபத்தை முகப்பாவனையில் காட்டிவிட்டு அவரிடமிருந்து கடந்து சென்றேன்.

சில வாரங்கள் கழித்து அதே நபர் வேறு கதை ஒன்றை கூறி பணம் பெற்றுக்கொள்ள நான் கடமையாற்றும் wardற்குள் நுழைய முற்பட்டார்.  எனக்கு வந்த கோபத்திற்கு அளவில்லை. அவரை கடுமையாக ஏசிய பிற்பாடு அந்த ஏமாற்று மனிதரைப்  பற்றி எனது மாற்று மத நண்பர்களிடம் பகிர்ந்துகொண்டேன்.

இந்த சம்பவத்தை பார்த்தும்  கேட்டும் கொண்டிருந்த ஒரு மாற்று மத நண்பி தனது அனுபவத்தை பின்வருமாறு பகிர்ந்து கொண்டார்.

''அப்படியா! ஒருநாள் என்னுடைய boyfriendவுடன் பஸ் தரிப்பிடத்தில் பஸ்ஸிற்காக காத்திருந்த போது இரண்டு மூன்று பிள்ளைகளுடன் ஒரு நடுத்தர வயது முஸ்லிம் பெண்ணை சந்தித்தோம். இது போன்ற கவலைக்கிடமான கதை ஒன்றை கூறி எம்மிடம் பணம் கேட்டார். எனது boyfriend தீர ஆராயாமல் ஒரு கணிசமான தொகையை அந்தப்  பெண்ணிடம் கொடுத்து அனுப்பினார். அவரின் இந்த வினோதமான செயல் எனக்கு ஆச்சிரியத்தை ஏற்படுத்தியது. இது பற்றி அவரிடம் வினவினேன். அதற்கு அவர் 'அனேகமான முஸ்லிம்கள் பொய் சொல்வதில்லை' என்றார்.''

இந்த இரண்டு சம்பவங்களிருந்தும்  நாம்  பெறும் படிப்பினை,
  1. 'பொய் சொல்லுதல் பெரும் பாவங்களில் ஒன்று' என்ற அடிப்படை மார்க்கப் போதனை எமது சமயத்தவர்களால் துஷ்பிரயோகம் செய்யப்படுகிறது. மற்றும்
  2. மாற்று மதத்தவர்களின் எமது சமயம் பற்றிய எதிர்பார்ப்புகள் இத்தகைய சம்பவங்களினால் வீணடிக்கப்படுகின்றது.

By ART OF PARENTING at 19th of December 2019

For English article


Monday 9 December 2019


All rights reserved @ Allah’presence


Ragging is part and parcel of the university experience which involves mild coercion; forcing fresher to sing out loud and on a more serious level involves assault, criminal intimidation and in some instances dehumanized sexual abuse and sometimes murder.

As a result many students choose never to go back to university taking their chances, instead, in the work force or doing a private course or end up spending vast sums of money to go abroad.

There are no exceptions among our muslim university students with regarding these brutal ragging experience at the hands of their muslim seniors.

In this note I would like to introduce a muslim lady who involved a pioneering work on Ragging orientation process to build up religious reconstruction among muslim fresher.

I met that sixty year old graduated lady by accident in my career. And also I got a chance to discuss with her about university experiences at her period. She proudly displayed one of her achievements following way.

“While I was a second year student, I was appointed to rag against a muslim junior girl who was casually dressed in non muslim style. Personally I didn’t prefer to compel her to our culturally accepted dress code. But I liked to emphasize her mistake in a different way. For that I gave a piece of paper and a pen and ordered her to write what I said on that paper.

These are the words that I expelled during that time,



My dear mom,

I have your blessings. I am quite well and hope you too would be fine. I am very happy to write this letter for giving wonderful message to you and our family regarding my first week university experience.

Nowadays I am inspiring the truth of Quranic life with the help of my senior muslim colleagues. I proud to say Islam is a complete way of life; each and every aspect is designed by our Creator to advance happy, healthy communities.

And also Islam holds women in very high esteem and the Islamic rules of covering are intended to protect and guard her dignity and honor. So as a first step I decided to change to a Quran-quoting dress code.

According to my knowledge Quran-quoting dress code should be fulfilled following criteria,

1. The hijab (covering) must conceal the entire body except the face and the hands.

2. It should not be translucent or tight. Tight clothes, even if they conceal the color of the skin, still describe the size and shape of the body or part of it, and create vivid images.

3. It should not attract the attention of the opposite gender; thus it should not be extravagant or excessively opulent. Nor should jewelry and makeup be on display.

4. It should not be a garment worn because of vanity or to gain popularity or fame. The female companions were known to wear black and other dark colors but other colors are permissible; a woman must not however wear colorful clothes because of vanity.

5. It should not be perfumed. This prohibition applies to both the body and the clothes.

6. It should not resemble the clothing worn by men.

7. It should not resemble the clothing that is specific to the non-Muslims

So I am waiting for these like dresses from you as soon as possible for the sake of allah.

Please convey my best compliments to father and sisters

Yours affectionately,



After writing this letter using her own hand writing, I also gave an envelope to write her home address and I put it to post box.

Masha allah I am happy to say that I got news from that girl within a week of this incidence that her father brought a lot of dresses for her which is acceptable for our religious practices.”

So my dear sisters and brothers,Don’t you think you are the responsible person to utilize the brutal ragging orientation process into purposeful manner to establish our religious practices among our muslim academic society.


By Parenting at 9th of December 2019